July 27, 2010

Wowza, I am old. Twenty EIGHT?! When did that happen? Clearly I don’t feel 28. Actually, I forgot it was going to be my birthday today and scheduled an evening meeting. It was only after the Boy made me cancel that I realized today wasn’t just any other day. Today is the start of my official, undeniable, unavoidable entrance into my late twenties.


They say that 30 is like the new 20, which means I’d be about 18. Like, oh my god, totally! Like, I’m so done with high school and I’m like SO excited about university! What am I going to put in my dorm room?! And like, oh my gosh, who will my room mate be?! And eeeks, there will be SO many boys!!!

Umm, yeah… NO!

Twenty eight is just fine, thanks.

Actually, the start of my 28th year has been pretty amazing. A virtual hug from Mama. Champagne and raspberries at midnight. The summer in Europe. Abundant love. Happy parents and a happy little brother. A way of living where every morning is bursting with hope. Good health. A learned grace. Blessings that pour in the truckload.

Today I am thankful.  I am the most blessed 28 year old there is.

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