
July 2, 2009

I'm in Livingstone Zambia – alive and trying to survive the absurdity of camping.  Seriously, what the heck was I thinking?!!?!?

ALSO, IT IS WINTER HERE!!!!!  Hello!  Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere.  =)

I managed to survive my first night.  It reminds me so much of our J Wenhai adventures except without the electric blankets! 

Quick stream of consciousness account of my first day in Zambia:
people are friendly and it's not so warm.  omg, am i really camping?  i did not bring the right clothes.  who needs two bikinis in the middle of winter anyway?  why didn't anyone say something about it being winter?  who goes on safari during the winter anyway?  not eating will ensure that i don't have to go the bathroom too often.  not showering isn't really an option.  gawd, i miss my shower at home.  perspective perspective perspective.  i am laughing at myself.  had impala for dinner last night.  it's too chewy.  couldn't sleep last night because too much tea.  tents are cold at night.  and you can hear people snoring. australians are everywhere.  there are mosquitos.  hopefully i don't get bitten.  haven't started taking my malaria pills yet.  i like to walk on the wild side.  until next time.  wish me good luck.  in an africa that doesn't feel like africa at all right now.  it feels more like the beginning of calgarian winter.  now everyone, stop laughing at me.

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